第 545 期校报汉译英最佳译文(译者 : 崔昶旭,2016 级研究生 6 班)

期次:第641期       查看:86

  Reading professional books is of great importance without doubt, which mainly fits the requirements of jobs of the future. Lu Xun once said, "There is no difference between reading these books and grinding axes for carpenters or stitching for tailors. Instead, there does not seem to be noble, even sometimes painful and pitiful."
  Every student who just graduated from high schools and will enter universities at once are likely to be less than 20, and were accustomed to be called kids by adults. What a pity is with so lovely and malleable youthful life! These students will be suddenly poured into the professional molds until their dying. It is the flexibility that manifests the vitality of life. Besides sports and entertainments, the flexibility of college life is embodied in the free acceptance and independent response for the whole world, which is certainly beyond profession.
  Finding the disadvantages of students only sinking into their own professions, now many universities open the general education classes, which has been proved to be a good method. But as a kind of class, the general education also retains narrowness and passivity that might be hardly overcome. Therefore no matter how heavy the homework is or how tight the time is, free extracurricular reading is indispensable. What's more, the development of era has witnessed the great changes taking place in not only internal structures but external boundaries of every profession, meaning that without enough overall vision, it’s even hard to learn the original profession well.
  Extracurricular reading for university students is the starting point of becoming mature in spirit, so a bit of basic work ought to be prepared at first. The kind of basis leads to the kind of building. Thus the preparation work
should be as ample as possible, and without much time,finding a saving way is also the key point. The most saving way of preparation work is to study classics. For the purpose of maintaining freedom, some young people have a negative mentality to the classics and deliberately avoid, as a result,whose behaviors appear to be childish. Whether the classics are worth reading or not, they are always the results of the extracting from time and space. In spite of ignoring classics, we can't disregard time and space. Being approved incredibly by time and space, this classic itself is suspense with cultural depth even it seems not to be a masterpiece, and the classic is certainly worth reading with this suspense. More importantly, being read repeatedly by so many people, the classics have become the premised material for vocabularies of the contemporary society. Without getting to understand the classics, people will be affected by serious obstacles produced in cultural communication. 点评:1、阅读专业书籍当然必要,但主要为了今后职业的需要。这样的读书,和木匠的磨斧头,裁缝的埋针线并没有什么分别,并不见得高尚,有时还很苦痛,很可怜。汉译英时,要将翻译过的英语简单句或不太复杂的复合句根据汉语意义关系并按照英语组句规则予以合并;化简合并后的英语句子,尽可能将从句化简成短语、将短语化简成词组甚至单词。如有必要还可对化简过的句子进行调整,突出信息或造成句式的多样性;对化简过的句子进行调整,往往需要变换句型。There is no difference comparing to axe-grinding of a carpenter or needlework of a tailor if you read like it, not necessarily noble, even sometimes you feel so painful and pitiful. 或者:Though reading books concerning specialty is indispensable preparation for professional career days ahead, this form of reading, similar to woodcutter grinding axe or
tailor threading string, is not respectable, and even suffering at whiles.
  例1:大千世界,朗朗乾坤,以它那多姿多彩的魅力吸引着他,但在那周游世界的几个寒暑、几度春秋,无论走到哪儿,他那拳拳之心,始终眷恋着故土亲人。Attracted by the vast and colorful world with its rich charm during his global travel in winters and summers, he could not at any moment tear his heart away from his homeland and countrymen wherever he went.揣摩下此例对转折、让步关系的处理。
  2、诸位报考大学的时候,刚刚从中学出来,都还不到二十岁吧,大人们还习惯于把我们称作孩子,青春的生命那么可爱又那么具有可塑性,却一下子被浇注在某个专业的模坯里直至终老,真是于心何忍。The adorable and alterable youths like you were mostly less than 20 years old when finishing high school education and applied for college, and were still accustomed to being called KID—so unbearable to mould a youth into a certain major for good!
  可用合并法把若干个短句合并成一个长句,把强调意合、结构松散、简单句多的汉语译为强调形合、结构严密、脉络较清楚的英语。英译时要充分利用连词、分词、介词、不定式、定语从句、独立结构等把汉语短句连成长句。英语长句宛如大树,有树干﹙主句﹚、树杈、树叶﹙从句、短语即修饰部分﹚。使用合并法时常会使用到变序法,就是打乱汉语原来的句子顺序,按照译入语的表达习惯重新组织和排列句子语序。在句子顺序上,汉语属于逆线性延伸,即在主要表达部分之前可增加理论上无穷多的修饰语;而英语属于顺线性延伸语言,英语的修饰语﹙尤其是定语﹚ 大多是后置,其丰富的连接词使其状语位置灵活多变。英译时,尤其遇到修饰成分﹙包括词语、小句﹚ 较多时,就要改变语序,甚至将顺序完全颠倒,以符合英语表达习惯。
际准则于不顾,打着“避免人道主义灾难”的旗号,绕过联合国安理会,对主权国家南联盟进行了长达78天的狂轰滥炸,酿成二战后欧洲最大的人道主义灾难。In 1999, ignoring the international norms and bypassing the UN Security Council, the US-led NATO force launched 78 days of wanton and indiscriminate air strikes against the sovereign state of Yugoslavia, a war that was waged in the name of“avoiding humanitarian disaster”, but, in reality, caused the biggest humanitarian catastrophe in Europe since the end of World War II. ﹙注意例2中现在分词短语、转折连词、同位语的使用﹚。
  3、生命的活力,在于它的弹性。大学时代的生命弹性,除了运动和娱乐,更重要的体现为对世界整体的自由接纳和自主反应,这当然是超越专业的。Transcending majors, the vitality of college life lies in its flexibility, which manifests not merely in athletics and amusements, but more important, in the motivated acceptance and active response to the world as a whole.
  It is a brilliant method that nowadays many colleges offer courses on liberal arts education to prevent the conditions in which students apply themselves to majors with full energy and neglect the reading of other books. However, it is still essential to read some books after class as these courses on liberal arts education are unable to avoid parochialism and passivity, let alone tremendous changes have taken place in both inner structure and outer boundary for
adapting to the society progress, and arguably it is hard to learn majors without comprehensive understanding of the world. 此句翻译可使用反译法(倒置法﹚,把句子按照与汉语相反的语序或表达方式译成英语。有时候,反译更符合英语的思维方式和表达习惯。例3:我原来计划今年二月访问俄罗斯,后来不得不推迟,这使我感到很扫兴。It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to Russia. in February.
  5、大学生的课外阅读,是走向精神成熟的起点,因而先要做一点垫底的工作。Therefore certain books should be read beforehand to set up a foundation since college students start to mature mentally after extra-curricular reading.
  6、有些青年人对名著有一种逆反心理,为了保持自由而故意避开,这是孩子气的举动。While Some childish youths are antagonistic to masterpieces and keep the distance with these books intentionally, projecting themselves as open-minded liberals.或 者:Some youths have objection and reversal mind toward those famous works and intentionally running away from it in the name of freedom, which is childlike behavior.
  7、一部似乎并不怎么样的作品居然被时间和空间首肯,这本身就是一个极有文化深度的悬念,光凭着这个悬念也值得去读一读。A book seemingly not so good actually got approved by time and space, which is a concern of cultural depth itself and is worthy of reading in this particular regard.
  (人文学院? 赵永红)优秀译者:熊文艳2016级中西医临床医学1班;徐宁宁2016级研究生6班;彭文琪2016级护理3班;江曼亚2016级中药国交班;卓春霞2016级应用心理学班;温平阳2016级中药国交班;饶金兰2016级保险2班